
QA Specialist/Tester

When developers fall asleep, testers wake up. It's time to find out who's who in this round.

Which one of those asleep made a mistake?
Which one of those asleep pulled the "Slacker" card?
Who didn't understand the task and screwed it up?
Whose work should be sent back for revision?
Developers are innocent people, but the tester knows they're not.
They check everything, see everything, and bring the "mafia" out in the open.
If you are eager to look for bugs and work in a creative team, you are the right candidate!

Your job would be to:
  • conduct functional testing of browser and mobile games;
  • make test-cases, check-lists and other documentation;
  • work closely with the development team.

What we expect from you:
  • 1+ year of experience as a tester;
  • ability to articulate and express yourself clearly;
  • soft skills in testing (functional, regression, etc.).